A guide to Dog and Puppy Care author RSPCA- for free

On the way home, put your puppy in a carrier and your dog in a harness and seatbelt. This is essential for your safety during the trip. Do not leave your dog or puppy unattended in the car, even for a few minutes. The temperature inside the car can rise and your pet can die of heatstroke in just a few minutes.
Watch, train, and encourage your dog or puppy carefully for several weeks. It can take months to fully acclimate to a new environment. Don’t expect to know the rules right away, so don’t expect to know what is expected of you as soon as you arrive.
Be patient; they will be a loving and devoted member of your family for 12-15 years! Teach your new dog or puppy where to sleep, where to eat, and of course, where to go to the bath room. Praise the dog for going to the right place and give him treats.