Books, Electrical, Engineering

Advances in Electric Power and Energy Systems Load and Price Forecasting- for free

electric power

The purpose of writing this book is to present some of the state of the art works dealing with fore casting issues in electric power system operations worldwide.

The readers of this book are primarily practitioners, regulators, planners, and consultants involved in the electric power industry. Senior university and graduate students and researchers will also find this book useful in their work. The background of this book requires mathematical knowledge of algebra and calculus.

The core of the book (Chapters 2through6) consists of two chapters dealing with power system load forecasting and three chapters on electricity price forecasting. Chapters 7 and 8 are unique descriptions of estimating post-storm recovery times in power distribution systems and river flow forecasting based on an autonomous neural network model using a nonparametric approach. Chapter 1 is usually

Although Chapter 1 is usually devoted to setting the direction of the book, I have provided Chapter 1 to provide background material for the two main fore casting problems. Each chapter deals with its subject in a self-contained manner.


A comprehensive review of state-of-the-art approaches to power systems forecasting from the most respected names in the field, internationally Advances in Electric Power and Energy Systems is the first book devoted exclusively to a subject of increasing urgency to power systems planning and operations.

Written for practicing engineers, researchers, and post-grads concerned with power systems planning and forecasting, this book brings together contributions from many of the world’s foremost names in the field who address a range of critical issues, from forecasting power system load to power system pricing to post-storm service restoration times, river flow forecasting, and more.

In a time of ever-increasing energy demands, mounting concerns over the environmental impacts of power generation, and the emergence of new, smart-grid technologies, electricity price forecasting has assumed a prominent role within both the academic and industrial arenas. Short-run forecasting of electricity prices has become necessary for power generation unit schedule, since it is the basis of every maximization strategy.

This book fills a gap in the literature on this increasingly important topic. Following an introductory chapter offering background information necessary for a full understanding of the forecasting issues covered, this book:

  • Introduces advanced methods of time series forecasting, as well as neural networks
  • Provides in-depth coverage of state-of-the-art power system load forecasting and electricity price forecasting
  • Addresses river flow forecasting based on autonomous neural network models
  • Deals with price forecasting in a competitive market
  • Includes estimation of post-storm restoration times for electric power distribution systems
  • Features contributions from world-renowned experts sharing their insights and expertise in a series of self-contained chapters Advances in Electric Power and Energy Systems is a valuable resource for practicing engineers, regulators, planners, and consultants working in or concerned with the electric power industry. It is also a must read for senior undergraduates, graduate students, and researchers involved in power system planning and operation.

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3 thoughts on “Advances in Electric Power and Energy Systems Load and Price Forecasting- for free

  1. Valuable book

  2. I need further learning Electric science

  3. Jeff Ma says:

    Promise identification in power/energy field

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