This textbook is intended for courses that provide an introduction to mechanical engineering during the freshman or sophomore year. Over the past decade, many universities have revamped their engineering curricula with the goal of situating engineering content earlier in the program. The format, especially at the fresh man level, varies and may include seminars on “who is a mechanical engineer “and” what does a mechanical engineer do, “innovative design experiences, problem-solving skills, basic engineering analysis, and case studies.
Courses at the sophomore level often focus on design projects, computer-aided engineering, principles of engineering science, and sound study of mechanical engineering hardware.
Core engineering science courses (e.g., strength of materials, thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, and mechanics) have developed since the post-World War II era and are now relatively mature. On the other hand, there is little standardization among introductory mechanical engineering courses.
We believe that the limited discipline-specific material available for such courses leaves an important opportunity to engage students, to encourage them to think about what they can expect in their sub sequent programs of study and future careers, and to develop a foundation of sound engineering analysis, technical problem solving, and design skills.
About the Book
This textbook introduces students to the ever-evolving field of mechanical engineering and helps them understand how engineers design the hardware that builds and improves societies around the world. As the title suggests, this textbook is neither an encyclopedia nor a comprehensive treatment of the field. It is also our view that the traditional four-year engineering curriculum is only one of many steps in a lifelong education.
By reading this textbook, you will discover the “forest” of mechanical engineering and examine some of its “trees.” In the process, you will be exposed to the interesting and practical elements of the mechanical engineering profession.
This textbook is intended for the typical first or second year college student in mechanical engineering or a related field. Throughout the following chapters, we have attempted to provide a balanced treatment of technical problem-solving skills, design, engineering analysis, and modern technology. The book begins by describing mechanical engineers and what they do.