Engineers suffer from a lack of public recognition of what their profession entails many people think we spend our days in the suburbs, repairing washing machines and televisions. Architects are more fortunate in this regard-the public better understands their profession: “They design buildings, right?”’
Public recognition a side, careers in both civil engineering and architecture can be very rewarding. There are several other careers where individuals can be really creative. In many cases, on a large scale. The civil engineering profession offers a variety of working environments and numerous professional fields within civil engineering. Civil engineers have the opportunity to work around the world, on large and small projects, and have the potential to come into contact with a variety of people, from the lowest workers on construction sites to government officials and heads of state.
At the beginning of the 21st century, civil engineers and many young people (and some are not very young. I realize that this is a profession worth entering. Traditionally, students embarking on university courses in civil engineering will have a level of subjects such as mathematics, physics and chemistry. But for a variety of reasons, many of today’s potential students have a level (or similar) in non-numerical and unscientific subjects. It also contains a significant number of “mature” people.
About the Book
A profession that follows the first career in something completely different. As a tutor for college entrance exams, I speak to such people every day. To enjoy a successful career in civil engineering without detailed mathematical knowledge, depending on the specialty ultimately selected, pos x can be introduced.
However, it is very difficult to obtain a degree in civil engineering or an HND without some mathematical ability. Turn to architects – these are creative people. Every building they design has a structure, without which the building will not stand up. Architects, like civil engineers, need to understand the mechanisms that lead to successful structures.
This book is about structure. Construction is offered as part of all civil engineering degrees, HND and OND courses, as well as architectural degree courses, and also as part of some of the related subjects (e.g. quantity surveying, building surveying, construction management, Architecture).
The objectives of this book are to:
- To explain structural concepts in an easy-to-understand manner using similes and examples.
- To present the mathematical aspects in a way that is easy to understand for students who are not good at mathematics, and to show the relevance of the concepts to related concepts.
- Maintain the reader’s interest by including real-life examples and case histories in the text to emphasize the relevance of what the students are learning.
The book assumes that the reader has no prior knowledge of the structure. However, it assumes that the reader has a sufficient general education and is mathematically competent to at least GCSE standard.