Canine and Feline Nutrition 3rd edition- for free
Humans have had a long and very complex relationship with canine and feline. This relationship has its roots in domestication and has evolved to exist today in a great variety of forms. Both dogs and cats originally served a variety of roles for humans. While some dogs and cats still fulfill those roles today, companion ship is the primary reason many people share their lives with dogs and cats today.
In recent years, scientific research on human-animal inter actions has revealed that these relationships are an important and enduring part of many pet owners’ lives. It has also become clear that pet ownership has many physiological and psychological benefits. Owning companion animals has become a national pastime, and the proper care of canines and felines is a major concern for both pet owners and professionals working with these animals.
About the Book
New edition of Canine and Feline Nutrition: this book is a thorough examination of the science of companion animal nutrition and practical feeding management for dogs and cats.
The information in this book will be of value to veterinarians, animal scientists, nutritionists, breeders, exhibitors, judges, trainers, and hobbyists. The book also continues to serve as a textbook for companion animal management and nutrition courses in animal science and veterinary medicine.
It is the authors’ intention that this book will complement popular animal nutrition textbooks by providing up-to-date and comprehensive information on two of the most popular companion animal species, the canine and feline. This new edition of Canine and Feline Nutrition is reorganized into five sections.