Cathodic Protection for Reinforced Concrete Structures- for free

In reinforced concrete, a passive oxide film is created around the reinforced steel by alkaline Portland cement, which protects the steel from corrosion. This oxide film weakens or breaks down when aggressive ions, such as chloride, attack the concrete around the reinforcing steel, causing corrosion of the reinforcing steel. Corrosion is an electrochemical process with an anode and a cathode region formed on steel. When the circuit of the corrosion cell is completed by the presence of continuous steel bars connecting the anode and cathode regions and immersion in the same electrolyte, corrosion occurs in the anode region. Corrosion continues until failure occurs in the anode area.
The use of steel in concrete has increased significantly in the last century and is now one of the most commonly used building materials on earth (water in human usage)1. The problem of the greatest durability in the structure of this material is the corrosion of steel reinforcement. The cause of this corrosion, which is most difficult to treat, is the presence of chloride in the concrete, which allows the steel to corrode rapidly. Due to the huge economic significance of this problem over the past 50 years, almost continuous research has been conducted in many countries to classify the problem. There have been significant attempts to improve the real one
The life of reinforced concrete structures by changing the material properties of both reinforcement and concrete. second, there were changes to cover the depth of concrete. Relatively recently, some countries, such as Saudi Arabia, have designed cathodic protection on a large scale to prevent corrosion from starting by leaving steel reinforcement as a cathode.
About the Book
This book is for professional contractors, large consultants and owners of corrosion damaged structures, and you will see international experience in this technology. That is why corrosion is taking place, differences in CP applications with stark dichotomies of success and failure, and ultimately towards the success or failure of CP systems, where performance can be improved in future installations, will have a notice able impact on the service life of the structure, and information is valuable.