Books, Civil, Engineering

Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures 2nd edition- for free


The main objective of the course on earthquake-resistant design of structures is to introduce students to the phenomena of earthquakes and the processes, measurements, and factors that affect the design of structures in seismic areas. The objective here is achieved by understanding the fundamentals of vibration theory necessary to understand and analyze the mutual dynamics of earthquakes and structures. Students are also familiar with the codal provisions as well as seismic design methodology.

According to today’s earthquakes, about 500,000 earthquakes occur each year, and these100,000 can actually be felt. The magnitude and destructive effects of earthquakes have serious implications. The destruction and damage to the built natural environment, as well as the loss and disability of human life, are the main concerns. A striking feature of disasters caused by earthquakes is that harm to life is almost completely associated with man-made structures., the collapse of buildings, bridges and dams.


The book introduces and explains all aspects of the seismic design of structures. Designed as a textbook for undergraduate and graduate students in civil engineering, it will find it equally useful to practice engineers and architects. The reader is assumed to be familiar with structural analysis, structural mechanics and structural design.

The design of seismic structures is both a science and an art. It is necessary to understand how structures absorb the energy transmitted during earthquakes. The book provides comprehensive coverage of the basics of earthquake-resistant design with a special Emphasis is placed on the design of masonry, reinforced concrete, and steel buildings.

The text focuses on the design of structural and non-structural elements according to the BIS code (456, 800, 875, 1893, 1905, 4326, 13828, 13920, and 13935).

The book contains 11 chapters that comprehensively discuss the design of seismic structures. Starting from the elements of seismic theory and seismic design, the dynamics of structures and soil, and their seismic response, the conceptualization and realization of seismic structural design are clarified. Detailed seismic analysis of different types of buildings, including masonry, wood, reinforced concrete and steel buildings, will follow.

Finally, a comprehensive discussion of the behavior of unstructured elements under seismic forces and an analysis of the 2001Bhuj earthquake are presented as a conclusion chapter.

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