Engineering Construction Specifications The Road to Better Quality Lower Cost Reduced Litigation- for free

Construction specifications, also known as specs, detail the work and workmanship needed to complete construction projects. And there is no way around them. As necessary documents at the design stage, they are part of the formal process. According to the Dictionary Of Architecture & Construction, the specification is “a written document detailing the scope of work, the materials used, the installation method and the quality of workmanship for the parcel of work to be placed under the contract; usually utilized in combination with the work (contract) drawings in construction work.””
The book reflects the experience and general knowledge gained by the author during his more than 45 years of professional career. Of the first 25 years spent on the site of the construction project, the author served for 21 years as a representative of the owner.1. One of his many responsibilities required interpretation, enforcement, and defense of contract specifications.
In the second half of his career, the author moved to the design office, where his responsibility proceeded from the preparation of the specification, to the supervision of its preparation, as well as the final review of the completed contract specification.
The use of citations and reproductions from previous publications is permitted in the preparation of this book. It is the sincere hope of the author that the material presented here will help both the engineer and the student in practice in developing sound knowledge on the subject of engineering.
The author wants to express his gratitude to his employer, Parsons Brinckerhoff, Inc. New York, New York, especially Henry L. Michelle, Chief Executive of this book to make office facilities available through years of research and preparation. My heartfelt thanks go to Mrs. Susan La Regina in the Designated.
Department for her tremendous assistance in transforming my pencil draft into a final copy. And finally lowe the tender debt of thanks to my wife Doris for her patience, understanding, And in the preparation of this book, encouragement between 1981-1988 of my so-called retirement.