The term IoT refers to technologies that facilitate communication between a collective network of connected devices, between devices and the cloud, and between devices themselves.
IoT products differ from traditional products in two ways: they have the ability to run software and they have the ability to communicate. Communication is often via the Internet, but it can also be more local, such as between products on a home Wi-Fi network or with a cell phone via a Bluetooth connection.
IoT products are often created by adding micro controllers with Wi-Fi or Bluetooth capabilities to conventional products. The cost of adding a microcontroller with communication capabilities is currently about $1and continues to drop. At this price, almost any product can be an IoT product, including light bulbs, light switches, electrical outlets, door locks, window shades, garage door openers, ceiling fans, rice cookers, refrigerators, as well as TVs and thermostats.
About the Book
This book is a practical guide to writing software for IoT products. Each chapter is filled with compact, focused examples for you to learn, research, implement, and modify. After reading this book, you will know the basics of using modern JavaScript to build sophisticated IoT products on low-cost hardware.
This book presents anew way to build software for IoT products. This book adds one new tool to the many tools that embedded software developers have used over they ears: the JavaScript programming language. It may sound like hyperbole to say that a programming language can change the software of an IoT product, but it can. Modern high-level languages are the perfect antidote to decades-old low-level development practices.
The code in this book runs on Es press if’s ESP 32 and ESP 8266 microcontrollers, which offer incredible power at an unprecedented cost. Not surprisingly, these micro controllers are widely used in IoT products and are extremely popular with manufacturers and hobbyists. However, what you will learn in this book is not limited to these microcontrollers, but also applies to the growing number of micro controllers offered by manufacturers such as Nordic, Qualcomm, Silicon Labs, and others. Adding IoT hardware to a traditional product is easy; the hard part is the software. Software defines the functionality and behavior of a product.
Iot Relay – Enclosed High-Power Power Relay for Arduino, Raspberry Pi, PIC or WiFi, Relay Shield