Structural Timber Design to Eurocode 5- for free

Structural timber design is an innovative approach that leverages the natural strength and durability of timber to create robust structures. By carefully selecting and arranging timber elements, architects and engineers can construct buildings that are not only sustainable but also aesthetically pleasing.
The Benefits of Choosing Timber for Structural Design
Timber offers various benefits when used in structural design. It is a renewable resource, making it an environmentally friendly choice. Additionally, timber structures are known for their thermal performance and energy efficiency, providing a comfortable living or working environment.
As a natural material, wood is unique, innovative, and easy to handle. It is sustainable, environmentally friendly, easily recyclable, and as a sawn product or quality-controlled engineering product, wood has a large potential market as a structural and building material.
However, existing civil and structural engineering curricula largely ignore the importance of wood as a viable engineering material, and as a result, relatively few textbooks provide information on the design of wood structures.
In addition, most books tend to concentrate on design according to BS 5268, which is an allowable stress-based design, and there is limited information on design according to Eurocode5, which is based on limit state design philosophy.
About the Book
This book is based solely on the use of Eurocode5: Design of Structures, Part 1-1: General Common Rules and Rules for Building (referred to in this publication as EC5) and incorporates the requirements of the relevant UK National Annex. Familiarity with the design rules of EC5 is imperative for practicing engineers as well as professional contractors and graduate and undergraduate students on civil and structural engineering courses, and this publication provides a detailed explanation and guide to the use of the code.
The book provides comprehensive information and a step-by-step approach to the design of elements, joints, and structures, using numerous examples and encouraging computer-aided design calculations.
Chapter1 introduces the properties and inherent characteristics of wood, provides an overview of wood as a structural and building material and its processed products, and includes design-relevant information on strength and stiffness properties necessary for design according to EC5 requirements.
Chapter2 describes the design philosophy used in the Eurocode. This includes information on the relevance of Eurocode0 requirements to EC5 and the importance of influences such as moisture content, load duration, creep, havia, and size factor in the design process.
Chapter3 provides an overview of Math cad, a computer software package used to perform mathematical calculations, and details its simplicity and advantages when used for design calculations.
Chapters4 and 5 describe and illustrate the design of the basic elements.Chapters6 through8, on the other hand, describe the design of more specialized elements, such as straight, tapered, and curved beams and columns made of laminated wood, thin webbed and thin flanged beams, and braided columns, using many examples.
Chapter9 covers lateral stability requirements for wood structures, describing the design of stability braces and the racking resistance of floor and wall diaphragms using the EC5rules.
Chapter10 addresses the design of joints using metal dowel-type fasteners. The chapter provides a comprehensive overview of the theory used to design joints and the transverse and axial strength requirements for nail, screw, and bolted joints.
Chapter11 deals with the strength and stiffness behavior of connectors such as toothed plates, split rings, and shear plates.
Chapter12 covers the design of rigid and semi-rigid joints subjected to combined moment and lateral forces and provides examples that demonstrate the significant impact on joint and member behavior when semi-rigid joint behavior is in corporate in to the design process.