Principles of Structural Design 2nd Edition- for free

Senior students in my structural design class also made valuable contributions to the first edition. Ignacio Alvarez prepared the revised illustrations, and Andrew Dahlman, Ryan Goodwin, and George Shook reviewed the end-of-chapter problems. For this edition, senior students Michael Santerre and Raphael DeLassus reviewed the answers to questions on Sections III and IV, respectively.
Joseph Clements, David Fausel, and other CRC Press staff provided invaluable assistance in completing the revised edition. Dhayanidhi Karunanidhi and Paul Abraham Isaac of diacriTech were extremely responsive and provided necessary assistance during the proof review and editing stages. I would also like to extend my sincere thanks to my colleagues at Roger Williams University who reached out to me from time to time.
Buildings and other structures are classified according to Table 1.1based on the risks associated with the unacceptable performance of the structure. Risk categories range from I to IV, with Category I representing buildings and other structures that pose no risk to human life in the event of failure and Category IV representing all critical facilities. Each structure is assigned the highest risk category. It is permissible to assign more than one risk category to the same structure based on use and loading conditions.
About the Book
The book consists of four sections and is developed into 17 chapters. Chapters1 through 5, Section I, allow the reader to determine the types and magnitudes of the various loads acting on structural elements and the combinations of loads that govern the design.
In ASCE 7-10, the provisions on wind loads have been substantially revised. Section I describes the concept of load and resistance factor design and a unified approach to design. Section II, Chapters6 through 8, Timber Design, covers lumber, glued laminated timber, structural composites, or veneer lumber, which is increasingly being applied to wood construction The NDS 2012 changed the format conversion factors and also introduced several new conversion factors. First, the bearing capacity of tensile, compression, and bending members according to NDS 2012 is described and the basic design of these members is presented.
The design of columns, beams, and composite strength members is then presented, incorporating column stability and beam stability. Joints are an important topic because they are often neglected and can be a weak point in a structure. Dowel-type joints (nails, screws, and bolts) are presented in detail, along with a complete set of tables of reference design values. Section III, Chapters9 through 13, deals with steel structures.
This chapter covers the design of tensile, compression, and bending members, braced and un braced frames per AISC specifications, and open web steel joists and joist girders per Steel Joists Institute criteria. Some modifications were made to the cross-sectional properties of certain structural elements. Changes have also been made to the design procedures for slip-limit joints.