Seismic Design Of Steel Structures – Pdf for free
At the same time, we were completing our first book, Ductility of Seismic Steel Structures. We learned that steel is generally considered an excellent material for earthquake-resistant structures. Its strength and ductility allow it to with stand greater elastic and plastic deformation than other building materials. However, it was also noted that the unexpected failures in the 1994 Northridge and 1995 Kobe earthquakes indicate the need for further research on the performance of steel structures under exceptional loading conditions that are neither predicted nor codified in current codes. Improved practical guide lines were urgently needed.
About the Book
This book critically reviews recent advances in the conception, design, and construction of earthquake-resistant steel structures, with the goal of improving their seismic performance against all types of seismic motion. Among the comprehensive reviews of analytical techniques, special emphasis is placed on the evaluation of the structural ductility of steel members as the most efficient way to protect structures against unexpected strong catastrophic events. The book was accompanied by DUCTROCT M, a free Windows-based computer program for evaluating the ductility of members and joints. This computer program was set up by Victor’s daughter, Dana Pectu, who translated our physical ideas into software. In particular, the first book focused on the local ductility of steel members.
We intended to extend this approach to global ductility at the level of the entire steel structure by preparing a second volume. Recognizing that the type of earthquake is of paramount importance to the overall behavior of a building, we decided to begin developing aspects related to this issue that are strictly related to seismology. The former, as a branch of seismology, is intended to transfer new seismological knowledge to structural engineers for practical application, while the latter is tasked with providing analysis of structures under seismic action.
This book, entitled Seismic Design of Steel Structures, is the natural conclusion of 20 years of common activity between Victor and myself, and was completed with the aim of making a substantial contribution to seismic design in general and to seismic-resistant steel structures in particular. Predictions of local to global behavior were developed taking into account the results of Volumes I and II. The whole is divided into six chapters.
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