The Art of Electronics- pdf for free

Electronics, perhaps more than any other technological field, has undergone an explosion of development over the past 40 years. It was with some trepidation, therefore, that we set out in 1980 to publish the definitive book on teaching technology in this field. By “technology” we did not mean the abstract approach often favored in electronics textbooks, but the kind of proficiency that comes from familiarity with real circuits, real devices, and soon. Of course, in a rapidly evolving field, such a nuts-and-bolts approach his fraught with peril.
In this book, we have attempted to teach electronic design techniques using circuit examples and data that we believe to be accurate. However, these examples, data, and other information are intended only as educational material and should not be used in any particular application without independent testing and verification by the person creating the application.
Independent testing and verification is especially important for applications where incorrect functionality could result in personal injury or property damage.
About the Book
This book is designed as a textbook and reference for electronics circuit design. Starting at a level suitable for readers who have had no previous exposure to electronics circuit design, the book is designed to allow readers to gain some proficiency in electronic circuit design. The book provides a clear explanation of the basic concepts of circuit design and carefully selected topics. It attempts to combine the practical approach of a practicing physicist with the quantitative approach of an engineer seeking a thoroughly evaluated circuit design.
This book evolved from notes written to accompany a one-semester course in experimental electronics at Harvard University. The course has a diverse audience, including undergraduates seeking to develop skills for future careers in science and industry, graduate students with a well-defined area of research, and advanced graduate students and postdoctoral researchers who suddenly find that they “can’t do electronics.”