Books, History

The Oxford Handbook of Political Science- pdf for free

Political Science

The Essence of Political Science

Political science delves into the study of governmental systems, political behavior, and the dynamics of power. It scrutinizes how societies make collective decisions and the impact of those decisions on individuals and communities.

The Evolution of Political Science

Political science has evolved over centuries, adapting to societal changes and technological advancements. From ancient philosophers to modern-day scholars, the discipline continues to unravel the complexities of government and society.

The study of political institutions

The study of political institutions is central to the identity of the discipline of political science. When political science first emerged as an independent discipline, the study of formal and legal arrangements was its exclusive subject matter (Eckstein 1963, 10-11).

For a time, institutions “retreated from the position they occupied in the early theories of political scientists” (March and Olsen 1984, 734). In recent decades, there has been a resurgence of neo-institutionalism in political science, an attempt to return to the origins of political research. This handbook begins, most appropriately, with a call to institutionalism by March and Olsen themselves.

It focused not only on how rules guide behavior, but also on how and why they came into being in the first place and, above all, whether they functioned for the common good.

The Role of Political Scientists

Political scientists play a crucial role in analyzing political trends, conducting research, and informing public policy decisions. By applying rigorous methodologies and theoretical frameworks, they strive to uncover the underlying mechanisms that drive political phenomena. Through their research, political scientists provide valuable insights into the complexities of governance and offer recommendations for addressing societal challenges.

About the Book

This handbook is a schematic guide and sample on political science. It begins with an overview of the current state of political science as a discipline, then discusses political theory and its relationship to the disciplines of political science, history, philosophy, and “real world” politics. It also explores contemporary themes and developments in political science, ranging from liberalism and communitarianism to feminism, democracy, critical theory, Green political theory, and post structuralism.

In addition, the current trajectory in political theory and political science, the current state of debate in political philosophy initiated and stimulated by John Rawls, disillusionment with modernity, political institutions, the composition and behavior of parties in and out of Congress, the relevance of law and politics, political behavior and civil politics, recent trends and most promising new areas of investigation in political psychology, contextual political analysis, the role of political science in international relations, the relationship between capitalism and democracy, and public policy are also explored.

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