AC Motor Control and Electric Vehicle Applications- for free
The importance of motor control technology and Electric Vehicle (EV) Applications has recently resurfaced because motor efficiency is closely related to the reduction of greenhouse gases. As a result, there is a trend toward the use of high-efficiency motors such as permanent magnet synchronous motors (PMSMs) in home appliances such as refrigerators, air conditioners, and washing machines.
Furthermore, a paradigm shift is also occurring in automotive power trains. Gasoline engines are gradually being replaced by electric motors as society seeks a cleaner environment and many countries seek to reduce their dependence on oil. Hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs), considered an intermediate solution to electric vehicles (EVs), are steadily increasing their share of the market as sales volume increases and technological advances help them achieve their cost targets.
Motor control technology continues to improve as CPU and power semiconductor performance improves. Specifically, the integration of motor control modules (PWM, pulse counter, ADC) with high-performance CPU cores has been remarkable, allowing complex but sophisticated control algorithms to be easily implemented at low cost. Motor drive units are evolving toward higher efficiency, lower cost, higher power density, and flexible interfaces with other components density, and evolving to flexible interfaces with other components.
About the Book
This book was written as a textbook for a graduate level course on AC motor control and electric vehicle propulsion. It covers not only motor control, but also motor design aspects such as back EMF harmonics, losses, flux saturation, and reluctance torque. Theoretical consistency in modeling and control of AC motors is pursued in this book.
- Chapter1 outlines the fundamentals of DC machines and control theory as it relates to motor control.
- Chapter2 shows how the rotating magneto motive force (MMF) is synthesized with the three-phase windings and how the coordinate transformation map between the abc frame and the rotating dq frame is defined.
- Chapter3 outlines the classical theory of induction motors.
- Chapters4 through 6 describe induction motor dynamic modeling, field-oriented control, and some advanced control techniques.
- Chapter5 high lights the advantages and simplicity of rotor field-oriented control.
- Chapters7 through 9 repeat the same illustrations for PMSM.
- Chapter10 covers the basics of PWM, inverters, and sensors.
- Chapters11 through 14 are the fundamentals of electric vehicles (EVs).
- Chapter 12 describes the concept and advantages of the electric continuously variable transmission (eCVT).
- Chapter13 discusses battery EVs and plug-in HEVs (PHEVs), including battery characteristics and limitations.
- Chapter14 discusses several issues related to motors for EVs.
Finally, the authors would like to thank the students who provided experimental results and problem solutions, Sung Yoon Jung, Jin Seok Hong, Sung Young Kim, Ilsu Jeong, Bum Seok Lee, Sun Ho Lee, Tuan Ngo, Je Hyuk Won, Byong Jo Hyon, JunI would like to express my gratitude to WooKim.