What Every Horse Should Know: A Training Guide to Developing a Confident and Safe Horse
When we look at a horse, we often say, “He should know better……”which is similar to what our mothers used to say to us when we were kids (“You should know better”). Once you reach a certain age and know XYZ, you would think you have learned your ABC’s, but often you don’t. People and horses a like often lack the basics.
The basics are the building blocks, the foundation for all that follows. If there are holes in the foundation, one day the horse, the people, and the barn may fall down. Sugar, for example, is a pretty stallion that would look picturesque at a horse show if Buddy Spice were standing by the rail. He also has a habit of moving while being ridden, so he must be held while the rider gets on the horse.
Sugar has holes in him. What he really should have known, and what he should have learned in the first place. There is a hole in Sugar. It’s what he really should have known, what he should have learned in the first place.
About the Book
Whether you are handling a colt for the first time or letting a riding horse cross a creek, there should be not only an element of fear, but also an element of leadership, trust, willingness, patience, mutual respect, obedience, confidence, and harmony. Understanding this with respect to handling, working with, and riding horses will help you become a more complete trainer. Understand the concepts, master the techniques, and develop your horse.
This book is dedicated to universal lessons that every horse, whether trail horse or liner, dressage horse or jumper, rodeo horse or ranch horse, should know. Each discipline has specific skills that horses need to learn, but every horse should know certain basics.