No fundamental field of engineering, no matter how old and established, is static. The field of mechanical engineering is no exception. Movements with in this broad discipline are multi dimensional. Even the classic topics that formed the foundation of the discipline, such as mechanics of materials and heat transfer, continue to evolve. Mechanical engineers also continue to be deeply involved with the following disciplines associated with mechanical engineering.
Industrial and manufacturing engineering, and other disciplines related to mechanical engineering, which are also constantly evolving. Advances in other major disciplines, such as electrical and electronic engineering, have a significant impact on the work of mechanical engineers. New fields, such as neural networks, can suddenly become all the rage.
About the Book
The Mechanical Engineers’ Handbook has a long tradition of being the single resource for valuable information relevant to the disciplines in the diverse industries and professions in which mechanical engineers work.
In its most aggressive revision to date, this third edition covers more topics than previous editions, with an emphasis on authoritative discussion, examples, and insightful analysis that goes beyond the straight forward data, formulas, and calculations provided in other handbooks.
Volume3, “Manufacturing and Management,” consists of two major parts covering manufacturing and management. The centerpiece of the first part, a “handbook with in a handbook,” covers manufacturing topics related to production, metal working, statistical quality control, and computer-integrated manufacturing.
New topics added to the handbook include physical vapor deposition, environmentally sensitive manufacturing, and addressing process technology in the context of design, tooling, manufacturing, and quality engineering. Part II covers a wide range of topics and is organized into five areas:
- Project and Human Resource Management.
- Fundamentals of Financial Management.
- Total quality management, registration, certification, awards, and safety engineering.
- Legal issues, including patents.
- Online and print resources.
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