Architectural, Books, Engineering

The Art of Construction: Projects and Principles for Beginning Engineers Architects- for free


The laws governing the construction of structures do not change with the passage of years or centuries, but are fundamental laws of nature. Never the less, I felt it necessary to add a preface to the third edition of this book because of the experience I have gained in schools in New York City and other parts of the United States during the past 15 years.

After many years of teaching building construction at Princeton and Columbia Universities, I introduced a special school program in 1975 to encourage young students to develop an interest in mathematics and science. Since then, thousands of middle and high school students have participated in the program and have become fascinated with the disciplines of architecture and structure.

Our program has inspired them to stay in school and perform well in a wide range of subjects. The Art of Construction is one of the tools we use to introduce our program to elementary school students. I feel it is worthwhile for parents and teachers to understand that a simple book on architecture may help solve one of the problems that are preoccupying educators across the country.

About the Book

The Art of Construction was written for young people, it seems to be of great interest to older “youth” as well, some of whom are architects for whom I serve as a professional structural engineer.

Filled with projects, this book in traduces young architects and engineers to the principles that guide them in designing and constructing buildings and bridges. Let them spend some time with this book before starting a renovation project! And of course, there are plenty of illustrations. 160pages.

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3 thoughts on “The Art of Construction: Projects and Principles for Beginning Engineers Architects- for free

  1. Ahmed YOUSSOUF says:

    My shildren want to becam an archite inginer

  2. Karim says:

    I am interesting

  3. Karim says:

    I need this book

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